General FAQs
That’s easy! Simply click on the Find A Retailer link on our website. You can search for retailers using a specific zip code.
We sell our products through authorized Golden retailers across the country and online. Visit Find A Retailer!
Some of our retailers are enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid and work with customers to submit claims. Find a retailer near you at www.goldentech.com/locator/ and call to ask if they are enrolled. Many of our retailers also offer financing through CareCredit – Learn more at https://goldentech.com/support/financing/.
Please refer to our Retailer Locator to find the closest store near you! www.goldentech.com/locator/
Please check with the retailer or servicer where you purchased your Golden product from and provide them with the serial number of your product. Should you have any issues, please call us at (800) 624-6374.
Lift Chair FAQs
Golden provides the serial number in three places on every chair – The owner’s manual, the lift frame, and the wire on the hand control.
All Golden power lift recliners are FDA Approved Class II Medical Devices.
Comfort Zones refer to how many motors the lift chair offers. The Golden Comfort Zone system helps you find the most comfortable positions by allowing you to adjust up to five different areas or zones of the body.
Scooter FAQs
Depending on the model, the serial number will be located under the carpet, on the battery box, seat post, and/or charger.
We recommend charging your unit every night, especially if you use your mobility product every day.
Please contact the retailer/servicer whom you purchased your Golden product from, or visit our Retailer Locator to find the closest store near you – www.goldentech.com/locator/
Please contact the retailer/servicer whom you purchased your Golden product from, or visit our Retailer Locator to find the closest store near you – www.goldentech.com/locator/
Right here! Download the sheet from our Product Support Section.
Power Chair FAQs
Depending on the model, the serial number can be found under the joystick, on the charger and/or under the footplate.
Please contact the retailer/servicer whom you purchased your Golden product from, or visit our Retailer Locator to find the closest store near you – www.goldentech.com/locator/